Shilshole 11May23 *
SG235 *
Dive index
* Mission links
Connected at 2023-05-11T15:20:41Z (sg235)
logged in
0:0:1:0:7:126:0:695:2771:501:-22.71:0.03:17.37:15.00:15.25:8.73:51.01 GPS,110523,150731,4741.102,-12224.221,30,1.3,31,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4741.671387,-12220.666016,110523,151953
2023-05-11T15:20:50Z [sg235] Sending 172 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:20:50Z [sg235] Sent 172 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:21:01Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T15:21:02Z [sg235] Receiving 1887 bytes of st0015lz.x
2023-05-11T15:21:10Z [sg235] Received 1887 bytes of st0015lz.x (252.2 Bps)
2023-05-11T15:21:10Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T15:21:12Z [sg235] Receiving 325 bytes of st0015dz.x
2023-05-11T15:21:13Z [sg235] Received 325 bytes of st0015dz.x (336.6 Bps)
2023-05-11T15:21:13Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T15:21:27Z [sg235] ready to receive st0015kz.x
2023-05-11T15:21:28Z [sg235] Receiving 30627 bytes of st0015kz.x
2023-05-11T15:22:58Z [sg235] Received 30627 bytes of st0015kz.x (340.2 Bps)
2023-05-11T15:22:58Z [sg235] OK
0:0:1:0:7:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T15:23:03Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T15:37:18Z (sg235)
logged in
0:1:2:0:7:126:-2:695:2771:501:-23.23:0.02:17.02:15.00:15.38:8.72:51.12 GPS,110523,153456,4741.103,-12224.217,2,0.8,4,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4741.671387,-12220.666016,110523,152034
2023-05-11T15:37:40Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:37:40Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:37:55Z [sg235] Sending 246 bytes of science
2023-05-11T15:37:55Z [sg235] Sent 246 bytes of science
2023-05-11T15:37:59Z [sg235] Sending 125 bytes of pdoscmds.bat
2023-05-11T15:37:59Z [sg235] Sent 125 bytes of pdoscmds.bat
2023-05-11T15:38:04Z [sg235] ready to receive sg0000pz.001
2023-05-11T15:38:06Z [sg235] Receiving 468 bytes of sg0000pz.001
2023-05-11T15:38:07Z [sg235] Received 468 bytes of sg0000pz.001 (338.7 Bps)
2023-05-11T15:38:07Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T15:38:11Z [sg235] ready to receive sg0000kl.x
2023-05-11T15:38:15Z [sg235] Receiving 4912 bytes of sg0000kl.x
2023-05-11T15:38:30Z [sg235] Received 4912 bytes of sg0000kl.x (313.2 Bps)
2023-05-11T15:38:30Z [sg235] OK
0:1:2:0:7:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T15:38:36Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T15:42:06Z (sg235)
logged in
0:2:2:0:8:126:-3:210:2631:499:-24.00:0.01:16.98:15.00:15.36:8.73:51.02 GPS,110523,154009,4741.102,-12224.220,1,0.8,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4742.165039,-12225.082031,110523,154045
2023-05-11T15:42:15Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:42:15Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:42:22Z [sg235] ready to receive 1 files
2023-05-11T15:42:26Z [sg235] Receiving 1584 bytes of sg0000lz.x
2023-05-11T15:42:32Z [sg235] Received 1584 bytes of sg0000lz.x (267.6 Bps)
2023-05-11T15:42:32Z [sg235] OK
0:2:2:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T15:42:39Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T15:45:36Z (sg235)
logged in
0:3:1:0:8:126:0:210:2631:499:-22.98:0.02:16.89:15.00:15.34:8.73:51.12 GPS,110523,154450,4741.103,-12224.218,0,0.8,1,15.3
Iridium bars: 0 geolocation: 4742.165039,-12225.082031,110523,154201
2023-05-11T15:45:52Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:45:52Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:3:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T15:46:13Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T15:49:10Z (sg235)
logged in
0:4:1:0:8:126:0:210:2631:499:-22.65:0.01:16.82:15.00:15.36:8.73:51.15 GPS,110523,154824,4741.105,-12224.220,0,0.8,1,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4740.816895,-12223.367188,110523,154525
2023-05-11T15:49:32Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:49:32Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:4:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T15:49:46Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T15:52:37Z (sg235)
logged in
0:5:1:0:8:126:0:210:2632:500:-24.08:0.02:16.79:15.00:15.37:8.73:51.14 GPS,110523,155157,4741.103,-12224.217,0,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4740.816895,-12223.367188,110523,154902
2023-05-11T15:52:45Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:52:45Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:5:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T15:52:50Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T15:58:04Z (sg235)
logged in
0:6:2:0:8:126:-3:210:2632:500:-25.72:0.00:16.76:15.00:15.36:8.73:51.20 GPS,110523,155501,4741.097,-12224.225,0,0.8,1,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4739.105469,-12242.000000,110523,155551
2023-05-11T15:58:17Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T15:58:17Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:6:2:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T15:58:22Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:01:13Z (sg235)
logged in
0:7:1:0:8:126:0:210:2632:500:-22.43:0.03:16.73:15.00:15.36:8.73:51.19 GPS,110523,160034,4741.100,-12224.219,1,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4741.671387,-12220.666016,110523,155759
2023-05-11T16:01:24Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:01:24Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:7:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:01:33Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:04:38Z (sg235)
logged in
0:8:1:0:8:126:0:210:2632:500:-23.22:0.01:16.72:15.00:15.36:8.73:51.19 GPS,110523,160344,4741.125,-12224.320,0,0.8,1,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4739.266113,-12305.050781,110523,160106
2023-05-11T16:04:47Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:04:47Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:8:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:04:52Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:07:47Z (sg235)
logged in
0:9:1:0:8:126:0:210:2631:500:-23.46:0.02:16.72:15.00:15.37:8.73:51.19 GPS,110523,160703,4741.472,-12224.441,0,0.7,1,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4741.516113,-12250.839844,110523,160432
2023-05-11T16:08:01Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:08:01Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:9:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:08:08Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:13:44Z (sg235)
logged in
0:10:2:0:8:126:-3:209:2632:500:-26.28:0.00:16.72:15.00:15.37:8.73:51.19 GPS,110523,161025,4742.768,-12224.362,0,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.212891,-12519.979492,110523,161115
2023-05-11T16:13:53Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:13:53Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
0:10:2:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:13:58Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:16:49Z (sg235)
logged in
0:11:1:0:8:126:0:203:2633:500:-14.12:0.44:16.56:15.00:15.36:8.68:50.95 GPS,110523,161611,4743.259,-12224.169,1,0.8,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4744.108887,-12229.499023,110523,161336
2023-05-11T16:16:58Z [sg235] Sending 210 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:16:58Z [sg235] Sent 210 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:17:07Z (hangup)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:20:00Z (sg235)
logged in
0:12:1:0:8:126:0:203:2633:500:-57.01:1.43:15.91:15.00:15.37:8.64:51.04 GPS,110523,161922,4743.206,-12224.155,0,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,161642
2023-05-11T16:20:10Z [sg235] Sending 108 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:20:10Z [sg235] Sent 108 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed RESUME from cmdfile
0:12:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:20:14Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:50:08Z (sg235)
logged in
1:0:1:0:8:126:0:218:2633:501:-59.58:1.48:12.93:15.00:15.01:8.56:51.84 GPS,110523,164854,4743.016,-12224.133,1,1.2,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4744.473633,-12222.378906,110523,161954
2023-05-11T16:50:20Z [sg235] Sending 106 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:50:20Z [sg235] Sent 106 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:50:29Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T16:50:31Z [sg235] Receiving 2598 bytes of sg0001dz.x
2023-05-11T16:50:38Z [sg235] Received 2598 bytes of sg0001dz.x (343.0 Bps)
2023-05-11T16:50:38Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T16:50:40Z [sg235] Receiving 3287 bytes of sg0001lz.x
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:51:03Z (hangup)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:54:44Z (sg235)
logged in
1:0:3:0:8:126:-3:218:2633:501:-59.58:1.48:12.93:15.00:15.01:8.56:51.84 GPS,110523,164854,4743.016,-12224.133,1,1.2,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4746.315918,-12228.517578,110523,165235
2023-05-11T16:54:54Z [sg235] Sending 106 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:54:54Z [sg235] Sent 106 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:54:58Z [sg235] ready to receive 1 files
2023-05-11T16:55:00Z [sg235] Receiving 3287 bytes of sg0001lz.x
2023-05-11T16:55:09Z [sg235] Received 3287 bytes of sg0001lz.x (334.9 Bps)
2023-05-11T16:55:09Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T16:55:12Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T16:55:15Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0001ag.x
2023-05-11T16:55:24Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0001ag.x (345.0 Bps)
2023-05-11T16:55:24Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T16:55:25Z [sg235] Receiving 1024 bytes of sc0001bg.x
2023-05-11T16:55:28Z [sg235] Received 1024 bytes of sc0001bg.x (347.2 Bps)
2023-05-11T16:55:28Z [sg235] OK
1:0:3:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:55:31Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:56:32Z (sg235)
logged in
1:1:1:0:8:126:0:218:2634:496:-54.42:1.41:12.58:15.00:15.16:8.56:52.15 GPS,110523,165545,4742.913,-12224.127,1,1.2,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,165437
2023-05-11T16:56:41Z [sg235] Sending 106 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:56:41Z [sg235] Sent 106 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
1:1:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T16:56:46Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T16:59:47Z (sg235)
logged in
1:2:1:0:8:126:0:217:2633:496:-54.47:1.41:12.46:15.00:15.25:8.56:51.94 GPS,110523,165858,4742.869,-12224.126,1,1.2,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4742.165039,-12225.082031,110523,165626
2023-05-11T16:59:59Z [sg235] Sending 106 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T16:59:59Z [sg235] Sent 106 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
1:2:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T17:00:03Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T17:02:59Z (sg235)
logged in
1:3:1:0:8:126:0:217:2632:496:-54.46:1.38:12.37:15.00:15.27:8.55:52.26 GPS,110523,170216,4742.832,-12224.134,1,1.3,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4742.165039,-12225.082031,110523,165939
2023-05-11T17:03:15Z [sg235] Sending 108 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T17:03:15Z [sg235] Sent 108 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed RESUME from cmdfile
1:3:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T17:03:29Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T17:47:51Z (sg235)
logged in
2:0:1:0:8:126:0:218:2572:501:-59.88:1.48:11.15:15.00:15.02:8.50:52.36 GPS,110523,174628,4742.860,-12223.959,1,1.1,31,15.3
Iridium bars: 4 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,170250
2023-05-11T17:48:00Z [sg235] Sending 106 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T17:48:00Z [sg235] Sent 106 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T17:48:04Z [sg235] Sending 20 bytes of
2023-05-11T17:48:04Z [sg235] Sent 20 bytes of
2023-05-11T17:48:10Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T17:48:11Z [sg235] Receiving 3611 bytes of sg0002dz.x
2023-05-11T17:48:21Z [sg235] Received 3611 bytes of sg0002dz.x (339.7 Bps)
2023-05-11T17:48:21Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T17:48:23Z [sg235] Receiving 3926 bytes of sg0002lz.x
2023-05-11T17:48:34Z [sg235] Received 3926 bytes of sg0002lz.x (341.7 Bps)
2023-05-11T17:48:34Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T17:48:36Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T17:48:37Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0002ag.x
2023-05-11T17:48:47Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0002ag.x (338.4 Bps)
2023-05-11T17:48:47Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T17:48:48Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0002bg.x
2023-05-11T17:48:57Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0002bg.x (344.9 Bps)
2023-05-11T17:48:57Z [sg235] OK
2:0:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T17:48:59Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T17:49:58Z (sg235)
logged in
2:1:1:0:8:126:0:218:2571:498:-57.47:1.46:11.12:15.00:15.06:8.50:52.25 GPS,110523,174913,4742.827,-12223.968,1,0.8,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4744.473633,-12222.378906,110523,174745
2023-05-11T17:50:07Z [sg235] Sending 106 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T17:50:07Z [sg235] Sent 106 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2:1:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T17:50:11Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T17:53:10Z (sg235)
logged in
2:2:1:0:8:126:0:218:2572:498:-56.97:1.46:11.11:15.00:15.18:8.51:52.28 GPS,110523,175222,4742.791,-12223.979,0,0.8,1,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4745.329590,-12219.673828,110523,174952
2023-05-11T17:53:19Z [sg235] Sending 109 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T17:53:19Z [sg235] Sent 109 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed RESUME from cmdfile
2:2:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T17:53:24Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T18:44:43Z (sg235)
logged in
3:0:1:0:8:126:0:215:2573:551:-54.79:1.43:10.43:15.00:14.95:8.48:51.94 GPS,110523,184324,4743.018,-12224.026,1,1.0,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,175303
2023-05-11T18:44:53Z [sg235] Sending 107 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T18:44:53Z [sg235] Sent 107 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T18:44:58Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T18:44:59Z [sg235] Receiving 4331 bytes of sg0003dz.x
2023-05-11T18:45:12Z [sg235] Received 4331 bytes of sg0003dz.x (343.8 Bps)
2023-05-11T18:45:12Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T18:45:13Z [sg235] Receiving 4065 bytes of sg0003lz.x
2023-05-11T18:45:25Z [sg235] Received 4065 bytes of sg0003lz.x (345.5 Bps)
2023-05-11T18:45:25Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T18:45:27Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T18:45:29Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0003ag.x
2023-05-11T18:45:38Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0003ag.x (344.7 Bps)
2023-05-11T18:45:38Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T18:45:39Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0003bg.x
2023-05-11T18:45:48Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0003bg.x (344.9 Bps)
2023-05-11T18:45:48Z [sg235] OK
3:0:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T18:45:50Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T18:48:29Z (sg235)
logged in
3:1:2:0:8:126:-2:215:2573:547:-57.61:1.46:10.43:15.00:15.03:8.48:51.91 GPS,110523,184605,4743.001,-12224.045,1,1.0,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 4 geolocation: 4744.473633,-12222.378906,110523,184436
2023-05-11T18:48:39Z [sg235] Sending 107 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T18:48:39Z [sg235] Sent 107 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
3:1:2:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T18:48:46Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T18:51:46Z (sg235)
logged in
3:2:1:0:8:126:0:215:2573:547:-57.92:1.48:10.43:15.00:15.17:8.49:51.93 GPS,110523,185059,4742.972,-12224.079,1,1.0,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,184823
2023-05-11T18:51:56Z [sg235] Sending 146 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T18:51:56Z [sg235] Sent 146 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed RESUME from cmdfile
3:2:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T18:52:01Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T19:36:53Z (sg235)
logged in
4:0:1:0:8:126:0:217:2776:551:-55.79:1.42:10.09:15.00:14.93:8.46:51.67 GPS,110523,193530,4743.124,-12223.919,1,1.6,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4744.473633,-12222.378906,110523,185138
2023-05-11T19:37:03Z [sg235] Sending 146 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T19:37:03Z [sg235] Sent 146 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed RESUME from cmdfile
2023-05-11T19:37:08Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T19:37:09Z [sg235] Receiving 3774 bytes of sg0004dz.x
2023-05-11T19:37:20Z [sg235] Received 3774 bytes of sg0004dz.x (344.8 Bps)
2023-05-11T19:37:20Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T19:37:21Z [sg235] Receiving 3849 bytes of sg0004lz.x
2023-05-11T19:37:32Z [sg235] Received 3849 bytes of sg0004lz.x (342.5 Bps)
2023-05-11T19:37:32Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T19:37:35Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T19:37:36Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0004ag.x
2023-05-11T19:37:45Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0004ag.x (345.9 Bps)
2023-05-11T19:37:45Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T19:37:46Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0004bg.x
2023-05-11T19:37:55Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0004bg.x (345.2 Bps)
2023-05-11T19:37:55Z [sg235] OK
4:0:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T19:37:58Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:36:28Z (sg235)
logged in
5:0:1:0:8:126:0:214:2770:497:-56.97:1.44:10.53:15.00:15.00:8.47:50.80 GPS,110523,203509,4743.018,-12223.848,20,1.7,21,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4744.473633,-12222.378906,110523,193645
2023-05-11T20:36:37Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:36:37Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:36:46Z (hangup)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:38:30Z (sg235)
logged in
5:0:2:0:8:126:0:214:2770:497:-56.97:1.44:10.53:15.00:15.00:8.47:50.80 GPS,110523,203509,4743.018,-12223.848,20,1.7,21,15.3
Iridium bars: 4 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,203621
2023-05-11T20:38:40Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:38:40Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:38:44Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T20:38:46Z [sg235] Receiving 4868 bytes of sg0005dz.x
2023-05-11T20:39:00Z [sg235] Received 4868 bytes of sg0005dz.x (345.1 Bps)
2023-05-11T20:39:00Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T20:39:01Z [sg235] Receiving 4259 bytes of sg0005lz.x
2023-05-11T20:39:17Z [sg235] Received 4259 bytes of sg0005lz.x (262.1 Bps)
2023-05-11T20:39:17Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T20:39:25Z [sg235] ready to receive 2 files
2023-05-11T20:39:26Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0005ag.x
2023-05-11T20:39:35Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0005ag.x (346.2 Bps)
2023-05-11T20:39:35Z [sg235] OK
2023-05-11T20:39:36Z [sg235] Receiving 3072 bytes of sc0005bg.x
2023-05-11T20:39:45Z [sg235] Received 3072 bytes of sc0005bg.x (345.8 Bps)
2023-05-11T20:39:45Z [sg235] OK
5:0:2:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:39:48Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:42:29Z (sg235)
logged in
5:1:2:0:8:126:-2:214:2771:497:-56.42:1.42:10.73:15.00:15.00:8.48:50.98 GPS,110523,204001,4743.010,-12223.861,2,0.9,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,203823
2023-05-11T20:42:41Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:42:41Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
5:1:2:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:42:46Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:45:39Z (sg235)
logged in
5:2:1:0:8:126:0:214:2771:498:-57.05:1.46:10.93:15.00:15.09:8.48:51.00 GPS,110523,204458,4742.996,-12223.867,0,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,204223
2023-05-11T20:45:48Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:45:48Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
5:2:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:45:53Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:48:50Z (sg235)
logged in
5:3:1:0:8:126:0:213:2771:499:-2.34:0.05:11.08:15.00:15.12:8.49:50.96 GPS,110523,204805,4742.976,-12223.884,1,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,204533
2023-05-11T20:49:00Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:49:00Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
5:3:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:49:05Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:52:24Z (sg235)
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:52:54Z (hangup)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:54:34Z (sg235)
logged in
5:4:2:0:8:126:-5:211:2774:500:-23.03:0.04:11.25:15.00:15.14:8.51:50.88 GPS,110523,205116,4742.954,-12223.896,0,0.9,1,15.3
Iridium bars: 2 geolocation: 4742.165039,-12225.082031,110523,205154
2023-05-11T20:54:45Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:54:45Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
5:4:2:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:55:15Z (hangup)
Connected at 2023-05-11T20:57:55Z (sg235)
logged in
5:5:1:0:8:126:0:211:2774:500:-23.30:0.05:11.60:15.00:15.16:8.51:50.69 GPS,110523,205714,4743.509,-12224.016,1,0.8,3,15.3
Iridium bars: 4 geolocation: 4743.021484,-12222.378906,110523,205427
2023-05-11T20:58:05Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T20:58:05Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
5:5:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T20:58:10Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T21:01:06Z (sg235)
logged in
5:6:1:0:8:126:0:211:2774:500:-22.59:0.05:11.80:15.00:15.17:8.52:50.37 GPS,110523,210022,4743.488,-12224.033,0,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4742.165039,-12225.082031,110523,205750
2023-05-11T21:01:15Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T21:01:15Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
5:6:1:0:8:126:1 logout
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T21:01:20Z (normal)
Connected at 2023-05-11T21:04:14Z (sg235)
logged in
5:7:1:0:8:126:0:211:2774:500:-26.77:0.03:12.02:15.00:15.18:8.53:50.49 GPS,110523,210332,4743.392,-12224.090,0,0.8,2,15.3
Iridium bars: 5 geolocation: 4742.165039,-12225.082031,110523,210100
2023-05-11T21:04:25Z [sg235] Sending 144 bytes of cmdfile
2023-05-11T21:04:25Z [sg235] Sent 144 bytes of cmdfile
Parsed QUIT from cmdfile
2023-05-11T21:04:30Z [sg235] Sending 26 bytes of pdoscmds.bat
2023-05-11T21:04:30Z [sg235] Sent 26 bytes of pdoscmds.bat
Disconnected at 2023-05-11T21:04:44Z (hangup)