PortSusan 28Feb14 * SG001 * Dive index * Mission links * Dive 454 * Raw log
prev dive * next dive * dive
• Previous call tries 1 • 0.70 of 150.00 AH used of 24V (99.53% remains)
• 11.74 of 100.00 AH used of 10V (88.26% remains)
• Surface angle -50.0 deg, depth 0.06 m • Intended pitch -11.3 deg, speed -5.278 cm/s
VBD pumped to 349.76 (SM_CC=350)
• GPS1 time: 9 s
• GPS2 time: 12 s
• Time spent turning 0 s

Statistics * Plot
t(s) depth(m) w(cm/s) num pts t(s) GC phase pitch roll VBD pit rol VBD volts
ctl(cm) t(s) A pos(AD) rate t(s) A pos(AD) rate ctl(cc) t(s) A pos(AD) rate eff r e r e r e pitrollvbd flags
7 end surface: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
8 begin dive
9.69 - - - 77.17 -0.63 66.42 - 432.19 - - - 2076.38 - -146.63 0.22 - 3097.00 - - - - - - - - 25.56 - 25.57
78.58 1.5 -1.9 13 94.54 -0.63 - - 2313.25 - 9.94 - 568.69 -151.7 -146.63 2.99 - 3096.97 - - - - - - - - - 25.56 25.56
123.06 5.8 -16.3 22 126.90 -0.63 - - 2313.88 - - - 2040.44 - -146.63 2.96 - 3097.31 - - - - - - - - - - 25.57
187.18 12.6 -7.7 35 191.87 -0.63 - - 2314.38 - - - 3478.88 - -146.63 2.77 - 3096.91 - - - - - - - - - - 25.56
398.10 27.2 -6.9 67 402.31 -0.63 - - 2315.19 - - - 1976.38 - -146.63 3.01 - 3098.06 - - - - - - - - - - 25.56
582.58 39.4 -6.3 85 586.29 done -0.63 - - 2313.25 - - - 3466.06 - -146.63 2.98 - 3099.19 - - - - - - - - - - 25.55
856.58 57.6 -5.9 112 862.02 -0.63 - - 2314.75 - - - 1995.94 - -146.63 2.91 - 3098.38 - - - - - - - - - - 25.57
1162.91 78.2 -6.8 143 1166.67 -0.63 - - 2313.62 - - - 3448.31 - -146.63 3.01 - 3098.12 - - - - - - - - - - 25.56
1426 begin apogee
1431.75 95.1 5.3 169 1556.18 -0.20 120.40 - 2447.69 1.1 0.70 0.002 2057.94 -1986.2 - 0.10 - 2501.19 -5969.3 - - - - - - - 25.54 25.57 25.56
1557 end apogee: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
1557 begin climb
1558.60 95.6 - 182 1685.90 0.63 120.67 - 2709.69 2.2 1.43 - 587.44 -1028.3 146.63 2.70 - 1903.28 -221.4 - - - - - - - 25.54 25.56 25.56
1952.92 65.8 8.2 221 1957.27 no move 0.63 - - 2708.69 - - - 2047.38 - 146.63 2.77 - 1903.81 - - - - - - - - - - 25.56
2263.40 39.9 7.8 252 2267.63 0.63 - - 2708.38 - - - 588.44 - 146.63 2.80 - 1903.59 - - - - - - - - - - 25.57
2538.61 18.6 7.7 281 2543.26 0.63 - - 2708.94 - - - 2060.19 - 146.63 2.95 - 1903.25 - - - - - - - - - - 25.56
2603.28 13.9 7.3 294 2608.58 0.63 - - 2711.12 - - - 596.81 - 146.63 2.94 - 1903.12 - - - - - - - - - - 25.56
2833 begin surface coast
2897 end surface coast: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
2898 begin surface
SM -0.02 - - - - 1074.16 12.44 - - -0.2 2.76 - 1081799168 391956220.3 0.95 - - - - - -1073741824 1081465894 - - - -