PortSusan 16Sep08 * SG131 * Dive index * Mission links * Dive 2 * Raw log
prev dive * next dive * dive
• Previous call tries 1 • 0.38 of 91.80 AH used of 24V (99.58% remains)
• Previous NAKs 0, Timeouts 0 • 0.18 of 61.20 AH used of 10V (99.71% remains)
• Surface angle -62.0 deg, depth 0.80 m • Intended pitch -14.9 deg, speed -10.000 cm/s
VBD pumped to 675.07 (SM_CC=675)
• GPS1 time: 13 s
• GPS2 time: 12 s • Transponder ping count: 66
• Time spent turning 0 s

Statistics * Plot
t(s) depth(m) w(cm/s) num pts t(s) GC phase pitch roll VBD pit rol VBD volts
ctl(cm) t(s) A pos(AD) rate t(s) A pos(AD) rate ctl(cc) t(s) A pos(AD) rate eff r e r e r e pitrollvbd flags
19 end surface: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
19 begin dive
23 - - - 144 VBD -1.23 - - 405 - - - 2165 - -194.6 -118.30 - 3612 - - - - - - - - - - -
148 3.2 -5.2 22 172 roll -1.23 11.35 0.146 2512 185.6 2.62 0.071 754 -538.5 -194.6 -5.60 - 3892 -50.0 - - - - - - - - - -
415 38.6 -11.7 69 421 done -1.23 - - 2512 - 2.47 0.048 2164 570.9 -194.6 - - 3892 - - - - - - - - - - -
470 begin apogee
477 45.3 11.7 79 578 done -0.33 0.93 0.077 2713 216.1 - - 2082 - - 95.28 0.542 3381 -5.4 0.046 - - - - - - - - -
579 end apogee: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
579 begin climb
582 49.9 - 98 741 roll 1.23 1.52 0.062 3060 228.3 2.55 0.067 705 -540.0 194.6 149.23 0.536 2586 -5.3 0.051 - - - - - - - - -
767 47.0 7.5 132 831 done 1.32 - - 3060 - 2.50 0.044 2104 559.6 265.6 55.35 0.525 2298 -5.2 0.048 - - - - - - - - -
967 29.5 8.9 168 996 done 1.36 0.12 0.051 3099 325.0 - - 2104 - 298.5 26.50 0.510 2163 -5.1 0.030 - - - - - - - - -
1065 18.8 10.8 185 1071 roll 1.36 - - 3099 - 2.62 0.077 703 -534.7 298.5 - - 2163 - - - - - - - - - - -
1090 15.8 12.3 189 1096 done 1.36 - - 3099 - 2.47 0.049 2097 564.4 298.5 - - 2163 - - - - - - - - - - -
1166 7.4 10.8 202 1173 roll 1.36 - - 3099 - 2.55 0.064 3505 552.2 298.5 - - 2163 - - - - - - - - - - -
1200 begin surface coast
1228 end surface coast: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
1229 begin surface
SM 0.66 - - - - -10.96 - - 408 - - - 2164 - 675.07 268.30 0.519 628 -5.7 0.001 - - - - - -