SG140 map

SG140 completed dive 368 at 28/06/08 13:46 to 659 m in 230 minutes, covering 4.0 km over ground. 0 errors, 6 retries. Next call due 28 Jun 17:37. Battery remaining 14.5% (high)/35.1% (low).

SG141 map

SG141 completed dive 396 at 27/06/08 13:58 to 655 m in 215 minutes, covering 5.2 km over ground. 2 errors, 24 retries. Next call due 27 Jun 17:34. Battery remaining 6.6% (high)/22.7% (low).

SG142 map

SG142 completed dive 385 at 24/06/08 01:34 to 917 m in 298 minutes, covering 4.6 km over ground. 0 errors, 0 retries. Next call due 24 Jun 06:32. Battery remaining 20.3% (high)/22.2% (low).

SG143 map

SG143 completed dive 357 at 03/06/08 18:33 to 168 m in 38 minutes, covering 0.4 km over ground. 0 errors, 12 retries. Next call due 03 Jun 19:11. Battery remaining 40.5% (high)/36.9% (low).