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Keith Van Thiel (foreground) and Troy Swanson recover SG008 during testing in Port Susan.
From September 2003 (start of first complete mission) to March 2005, the program had accumulated 1650 glider-days and covered 25000 km of survey track. In an intensive operational period, late August to early October 2004, two groups working together fielded 7 vehicles in 3 colors, spanning 180 degrees of longitude in two oceans.
Jim Mercer and Jason Gobat recover SG023 off Kauai, Hawaii after a successful 191 day mission.
Keith Van Thiel and Craig Lee check conditions from the deck of the RV Knorr before launching SG014 in Davis Strait, September 2004.
The most recent summary presentation about Seaglider capabilities and achievements is here. A growing catalog of older presentations is also available. Information about ongoing glider deployments can be found at the School of Oceanography's GINA and on IOP's own display and operations site. Technical information about Seaglider is available from the APL Seaglider page or from the Seaglider Fabrication Center now operating within the School of Oceanography. We also have a gallery of photographs of Seaglider and Seaglider operations and collected links from press and outside media.