Shilshole 10Jun14 * SG199 * Dive index * Mission links
### gbs 06/10/14 18:53:35
+++ cmdfile (156 bytes, 912042594 checksum)
$RESUME--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $C_PITCH will be set to 2540
WARNING! $C_PITCH,2540.0000: Center must be between HW min and max!
value of $N_GPS will be set to 30
value of $RHO will be set to 1.023
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 27
value of $D_NO_BLEED will be set to 50
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 110
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will be set to 0.02
value of $PITCH_ADJ_DBAND will be set to 1
value of $N_DIVES will be set to 1
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 06/10/14 18:55:16
+++ cmdfile (155 bytes, -1491006894 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $C_PITCH will be set to 2540
WARNING! $C_PITCH,2540.0000: Center must be between HW min and max!
value of $N_GPS will be set to 30
value of $RHO will be set to 1.023
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 27
value of $D_NO_BLEED will be set to 50
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 110
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will be set to 0.02
value of $PITCH_ADJ_DBAND will be set to 1
value of $N_DIVES will be set to 1
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 06/10/14 20:18:37
+++ cmdfile (169 bytes, 1598840602 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg199/p1990001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2540 to 2350
value of $C_VBD will change from 3252 to 3300
value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 27 to 39
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.02 to 0.01
value of $N_DIVES will change from 1 to 2
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 06/10/14 20:46:09
+++ cmdfile (167 bytes, 740160087 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg199/p1990001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2540 to 2350
value of $C_VBD will change from 3252 to 3300
value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 27 to 39
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.02 to 0.01
value of $N_DIVES will change from 1 to 2
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 06/10/14 21:11:30
+++ cmdfile (170 bytes, 724321646 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg199/p1990002.log (latest dive is 2)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2350 to 2470
value of $C_VBD will change from 3300 to 3420
value of $D_TGT will change from 90 to 165
value of $T_DIVE will change from 30 to 55
value of $T_MISSION will change from 39 to 70
value of $D_ABORT will change from 110 to 185
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.01 to 0.02
value of $N_DIVES will change from 2 to 3
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 06/10/14 21:21:40
+++ cmdfile (168 bytes, 1603567859 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg199/p1990002.log (latest dive is 2)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2350 to 2470
value of $C_VBD will change from 3300 to 3420
value of $D_TGT will change from 90 to 165
value of $T_DIVE will change from 30 to 55
value of $T_MISSION will change from 39 to 70
value of $D_ABORT will change from 110 to 185
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.01 to 0.02
value of $N_DIVES will change from 2 to 3
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery