Shilshole 22Aug12 * SG190 * Dive index * Mission links
### gbs 08/22/12 15:54:01
+++ cmdfile (177 bytes, -973217370 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $ALTIM_PING_DELTA will be set to 0
value of $ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE will be set to 0
value of $PITCH_ADJ_DBAND will be set to 1
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will be set to 0.06
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 25
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 100
value of $MAX_BUOY will be set to 150
value of $N_DIVES will be set to 2
value of $PROTOCOL will be set to 9
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### gbs 08/22/12 16:57:10
+++ cmdfile (181 bytes, -481557387 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $ALTIM_PING_DELTA will be set to 0
value of $ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE will be set to 0
value of $PITCH_ADJ_DBAND will be set to 1
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will be set to 0.06
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 25
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 100
value of $MAX_BUOY will be set to 150
value of $N_DIVES will be set to 2
value of $PROTOCOL will be set to 9
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 08/22/12 17:00:47
+++ cmdfile (179 bytes, -229406323 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $ALTIM_PING_DELTA will be set to 0
value of $ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE will be set to 0
value of $PITCH_ADJ_DBAND will be set to 1
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will be set to 0.06
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 25
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 100
value of $MAX_BUOY will be set to 150
value of $N_DIVES will be set to 2
value of $PROTOCOL will be set to 9
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 17:44:20
+++ cmdfile (145 bytes, 1758540402 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.06 to 0.03
value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 60
value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 20
value of $T_MISSION will change from 25 to 35
value of $D_ABORT will change from 100 to 120
value of $N_DIVES will change from 2 to 3
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 17:44:42
+++ cmdfile (147 bytes, 752552321 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.06 to 0.03
value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 60
value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 20
value of $T_MISSION will change from 25 to 35
value of $D_ABORT will change from 100 to 120
value of $N_DIVES will change from 2 to 3
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 08/22/12 17:46:38
+++ cmdfile (145 bytes, 1758540402 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.06 to 0.03
value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 60
value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 20
value of $T_MISSION will change from 25 to 35
value of $D_ABORT will change from 100 to 120
value of $N_DIVES will change from 2 to 3
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 18:37:59
+++ cmdfile (159 bytes, -697367815 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900002.log (latest dive is 2)
value of $C_VBD will change from 3542 to 3362
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 08/22/12 18:40:22
+++ cmdfile (171 bytes, 1358248338 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900002.log (latest dive is 2)
value of $MASS will change from 55432 to 55439
value of $C_VBD will change from 3542 to 3362
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 08/22/12 18:41:42
+++ cmdfile (169 bytes, -713706975 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900002.log (latest dive is 2)
value of $MASS will change from 55432 to 55439
value of $C_VBD will change from 3542 to 3362
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 19:22:41
+++ cmdfile (160 bytes, 2065527953 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900003.log (latest dive is 3)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2977 to 3025
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.03 to 0.015
value of $D_TGT will change from 60 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 20 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 35 to 45
value of $D_ABORT will change from 120 to 150
value of $N_DIVES will change from 3 to 0
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 08/22/12 19:27:20
+++ cmdfile (157 bytes, 820208488 checksum)
$QUIT--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900003.log (latest dive is 3)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2977 to 3025
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.03 to 0.015
value of $D_TGT will change from 60 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 20 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 35 to 45
value of $D_ABORT will change from 120 to 150
value of $N_DIVES will change from 3 to 0
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 19:30:23
+++ cmdfile (158 bytes, 1905134746 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900003.log (latest dive is 3)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2977 to 3025
value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.03 to 0.015
value of $D_TGT will change from 60 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 20 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 35 to 45
value of $D_ABORT will change from 120 to 150
value of $N_DIVES will change from 3 to 0
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 20:11:42
+++ cmdfile (198 bytes, 307282822 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900004.log (latest dive is 4)
value of $C_VBD will change from 3362 to 2996
value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2050 to 2200
value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2050 to 2040
value of $D_TGT will change from 90 to 120
value of $T_DIVE will change from 30 to 40
value of $T_MISSION will change from 45 to 55
value of $D_ABORT will change from 150 to 170
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 08/22/12 20:22:24
+++ cmdfile (196 bytes, 11786431 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900004.log (latest dive is 4)
value of $C_VBD will change from 3362 to 2996
value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2050 to 2200
value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2050 to 2040
value of $D_TGT will change from 90 to 120
value of $T_DIVE will change from 30 to 40
value of $T_MISSION will change from 45 to 55
value of $D_ABORT will change from 150 to 170
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 21:14:42
+++ cmdfile (186 bytes, -624210133 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900005.log (latest dive is 5)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 3025 to 3014
value of $D_TGT will change from 120 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 40 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 55 to 45
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### gbs 08/22/12 21:18:22
+++ cmdfile (184 bytes, -370562638 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900005.log (latest dive is 5)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 3025 to 3014
value of $D_TGT will change from 120 to 45
value of $T_DIVE will change from 40 to 15
value of $T_MISSION will change from 55 to 25
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### gbs 08/22/12 21:43:15
+++ cmdfile (182 bytes, 1274984211 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg190/p1900005.log (latest dive is 5)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 3025 to 3014
value of $D_TGT will change from 120 to 45
value of $T_DIVE will change from 40 to 15
value of $T_MISSION will change from 55 to 25
$GO given - will continue in current mode