Shilshole 05Jul17 * SG136 * Dive index * Mission links
### jgobat 07/05/17 16:35:09
+++ cmdfile (132 bytes, 1770855101 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360001.log (latest dive is 1)
Value of $C_PITCH will change from 3400 to 3650.
Value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 75.
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 25.
Value of $T_MISSION will change from 28 to 40.
Value of $D_ABORT will change from 125 to 140.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 1 to 2.
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 07/05/17 16:35:18
+++ cmdfile (134 bytes, 1426877350 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360001.log (latest dive is 1)
Value of $C_PITCH will change from 3400 to 3650.
Value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 75.
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 25.
Value of $T_MISSION will change from 28 to 40.
Value of $D_ABORT will change from 125 to 140.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 1 to 2.
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 07/05/17 16:42:12
+++ cmdfile (132 bytes, 1770855101 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360001.log (latest dive is 1)
Value of $C_PITCH will change from 3400 to 3650.
Value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 75.
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 25.
Value of $T_MISSION will change from 28 to 40.
Value of $D_ABORT will change from 125 to 140.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 1 to 2.
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 07/05/17 17:17:47
+++ cmdfile (171 bytes, 2065195274 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360002.log (latest dive is 2)
Value of $C_PITCH will change from 3650 to 3630.
Value of $D_TGT will change from 75 to 150.
WARNING! $D_TGT,150.0000: Must be less than $D_ABORT!
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 25 to 50.
WARNING! $T_DIVE,50.0000: Must be less than $T_MISSION!
Value of $T_MISSION will change from 40 to 65.
Value of $D_ABORT will change from 140 to 175.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 2 to 3.
Value of $PITCH_ADJ_GAIN will change from 0.025 to 0.02.
Value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2142 to 2400.
Value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2142 to 2200.
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 07/05/17 18:19:57
+++ cmdfile (171 bytes, -1110034920 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360003.log (latest dive is 3)
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 3 to 5.
Value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2400 to 2350.
Value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2200 to 2250.
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 07/05/17 18:20:27
+++ cmdfile (171 bytes, -2112141103 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360003.log (latest dive is 3)
Value of $D_TGT will change from 150 to 165.
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 50 to 55.
Value of $T_MISSION will change from 65 to 70.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 3 to 5.
Value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2400 to 2350.
Value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2200 to 2250.
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 07/05/17 18:21:06
+++ cmdfile (167 bytes, 991097294 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360003.log (latest dive is 3)
Value of $D_TGT will change from 150 to 165.
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 50 to 55.
Value of $T_MISSION will change from 65 to 70.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 3 to 5.
Value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2400 to 2350.
Value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2200 to 2250.
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### jgobat 07/05/17 20:31:11
+++ cmdfile (171 bytes, -1845328502 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360005.log (latest dive is 5)
Value of $D_TGT will change from 165 to 160.
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 55 to 53.
Value of $D_ABORT will change from 175 to 185.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 5 to 6.
Value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2250 to 2350.
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 07/05/17 20:36:11
+++ cmdfile (169 bytes, -112214700 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg136/p1360005.log (latest dive is 5)
Value of $D_TGT will change from 165 to 160.
Value of $T_DIVE will change from 55 to 53.
Value of $D_ABORT will change from 175 to 185.
Value of $N_DIVES will change from 5 to 6.
Value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2250 to 2350.
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery