PortSusan 17Aug07 * SG108 * Dive index * Mission links
### martin 08/18/07 02:36:23
+++ cmdfile (98 bytes, 1533790045 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 150
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 30
value of $C_PITCH will be set to 1981
WARNING! $C_PITCH,1981.0000: Center must be between HW min and max!
value of $PITCH_GAIN will be set to 15.3
value of $CAPUPLOAD will be set to 0
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 16:04:29
+++ cmdfile (136 bytes, -970300670 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 150
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 30
value of $C_PITCH will be set to 1981
WARNING! $C_PITCH,1981.0000: Center must be between HW min and max!
value of $PITCH_GAIN will be set to 15.3
value of $CAPUPLOAD will be set to 0
value of $C_VBD will be set to 3106
WARNING! $C_VBD,3106.0000: Center must be between HW min and max!
value of $FERRY_MAX will be set to 45
value of $NAV_MODE will be set to 2
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 16:05:37
+++ cmdfile (150 bytes, 303140260 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 150
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 30
value of $C_PITCH will be set to 1981
WARNING! $C_PITCH,1981.0000: Center must be between HW min and max!
value of $PITCH_GAIN will be set to 15.3
value of $CAPUPLOAD will be set to 0
value of $C_VBD will be set to 3106
WARNING! $C_VBD,3106.0000: Center must be between HW min and max!
value of $FERRY_MAX will be set to 45
value of $NAV_MODE will be set to 2
value of $KALMAN_USE will be set to 2
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 16:39:19
+++ cmdfile (67 bytes, 121283076 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 150
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 30
value of $CAPUPLOAD will be set to 0
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:04:41
+++ cmdfile (69 bytes, -1515115682 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 150
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 30
value of $CAPUPLOAD will be set to 0
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:06:09
+++ cmdfile (69 bytes, 1249067104 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 150
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 30
value of $CAPUPLOAD will be set to 1
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:07:57
+++ cmdfile (67 bytes, -879713638 checksum)
--- validation against - (latest dive is 0)
value of $D_TGT will be set to 45
value of $D_ABORT will be set to 150
value of $T_DIVE will be set to 15
value of $T_MISSION will be set to 30
value of $CAPUPLOAD will be set to 1
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:49:33
+++ cmdfile (81 bytes, -724460294 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 1981 to 2081
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:51:00
+++ cmdfile (95 bytes, 799521297 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 1981 to 2081
value of $C_VBD will change from 3106 to 3006
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:52:19
+++ cmdfile (93 bytes, -2087765373 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 1981 to 2081
value of $C_VBD will change from 3106 to 3006
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:53:29
+++ cmdfile (106 bytes, 2145392405 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 1981 to 2081
value of $C_VBD will change from 3106 to 3006
value of $SM_CC will change from 612.571 to 590
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:56:27
+++ cmdfile (121 bytes, 209723663 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $PITCH_MIN will change from 716 to 775
value of $C_PITCH will change from 1981 to 2081
value of $C_VBD will change from 3106 to 3006
value of $SM_CC will change from 612.571 to 590
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 08/18/07 17:56:56
+++ cmdfile (119 bytes, -1422542053 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $PITCH_MIN will change from 716 to 775
value of $C_PITCH will change from 1981 to 2081
value of $C_VBD will change from 3106 to 3006
value of $SM_CC will change from 612.571 to 590
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 18:07:36
+++ cmdfile (119 bytes, 1465886849 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080001.log (latest dive is 1)
value of $PITCH_MIN will change from 716 to 775
value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 30 to 40
value of $C_PITCH will change from 1981 to 2081
value of $C_VBD will change from 3106 to 3006
value of $SM_CC will change from 612.571 to 590
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 18:31:55
+++ cmdfile (109 bytes, -644699901 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080002.log (latest dive is 2)
value of $PITCH_MIN will change from 716 to 775
value of $D_TGT will change from 45 to 90
value of $T_DIVE will change from 15 to 30
value of $T_MISSION will change from 30 to 40
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2081 to 2140
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 08/18/07 18:46:50
+++ cmdfile (19 bytes, 1236823302 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080002.log (latest dive is 2)
value of $CAPUPLOAD will change from 1 to 0
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery
### jgobat 08/18/07 19:29:42
+++ cmdfile (121 bytes, 457434544 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080003.log (latest dive is 3)
value of $D_TGT will change from 90 to 150
value of $D_ABORT will change from 150 to 200
value of $T_DIVE will change from 30 to 50
value of $T_MISSION will change from 40 to 70
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2140 to 2160
value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2041 to 2190
value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 2041 to 1940
value of $CAPUPLOAD will change from 1 to 0
$RESUME given - will start or continue diving
### jgobat 08/18/07 19:50:01
+++ cmdfile (4 bytes, -319437084 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080003.log (latest dive is 3)
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### jgobat 08/18/07 20:18:19
+++ cmdfile (18 bytes, -23091021 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080004.log (latest dive is 4)
value of $C_PITCH will change from 2160 to 2180
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### jgobat 08/18/07 21:18:19
+++ cmdfile (15 bytes, 2111602760 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080005.log (latest dive is 5)
value of $SM_CC will change from 590 to 480
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### jgobat 08/19/07 00:28:12
+++ cmdfile (41 bytes, -1053547569 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080010.log (latest dive is 10)
value of $C_ROLL_DIVE will change from 2190 to 2210
value of $C_ROLL_CLIMB will change from 1940 to 2400
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/19/07 01:43:34
+++ cmdfile (4 bytes, -319437084 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080012.log (latest dive is 12)
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/19/07 02:28:46
+++ cmdfile (32 bytes, 398425587 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080013.log (latest dive is 13)
value of $SM_CC will change from 480 to 350
value of $ROLL_ADJ_GAIN will change from 3 to 2
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/19/07 03:22:25
+++ cmdfile (22 bytes, -74567610 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080014.log (latest dive is 14)
value of $ROLL_AD_RATE will change from 400 to 375
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/19/07 05:47:16
+++ cmdfile (45 bytes, -393234376 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080017.log (latest dive is 17)
value of $C_VBD will change from 3006 to 2776
value of $SM_CC will change from 350 to 525
value of $ROLL_AD_RATE will change from 375 to 350
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/19/07 20:13:45
+++ cmdfile (15 bytes, 1312017967 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080037.log (latest dive is 38)
value of $SM_CC will change from 525 to 400
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/20/07 15:47:12
+++ cmdfile (52 bytes, -1997211724 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080066.log (latest dive is 66)
value of $D_TGT will change from 150 to 45
value of $D_ABORT will change from 200 to 150
value of $T_DIVE will change from 50 to 15
value of $T_MISSION will change from 70 to 30
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/20/07 15:53:46
+++ cmdfile (63 bytes, 1609157567 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080066.log (latest dive is 66)
value of $D_TGT will change from 150 to 45
value of $D_ABORT will change from 200 to 150
value of $T_DIVE will change from 50 to 15
value of $T_MISSION will change from 70 to 30
value of $SM_CC will change from 400 to 535
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/20/07 16:13:27
+++ cmdfile (4 bytes, -319437084 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080067.log (latest dive is 67)
$GO given - will continue in current mode
### martin 08/20/07 16:40:07
+++ cmdfile (6 bytes, -1793705879 checksum)
--- validation against /home/seaglider/sg108/p1080068.log (latest dive is 68)
$QUIT given - will enter or continue in recovery