PortSusan 05Sep07 * SG128 * Dive index * Mission links * Dive 828 * Raw log
prev dive * next dive * dive
• Previous call tries 1 • 76.62 of 150.00 AH used of 24V (48.92% remains)
• Previous NAKs 0, Timeouts 0 • 37.13 of 100.00 AH used of 10V (62.87% remains)
• Surface angle -68.8 deg, depth 2.56 m • Intended pitch -16.4 deg, speed -10.000 cm/s
VBD pumped to 538.68 (beyond SM_CC=530)
• GPS1 time: 30 s • bottom range 6.3 m at 25.8 m, depth 32 m (43 m grid)
• GPS2 time: 13 s • Transponder ping count: 0
• Time spent turning 0 s

Statistics * Plot
t(s) depth(m) w(cm/s) num pts t(s) GC phase pitch roll VBD pit rol VBD volts
ctl(cm) t(s) A pos(AD) rate t(s) A pos(AD) rate ctl(cc) t(s) A pos(AD) rate eff r e r e r e pitrollvbd flags
30 end surface: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
30 begin dive
35 - - - 42 VBD -1.09 - - 18 - - - 2360 - -146.6 -5.10 - 370 - - - - - - - - - - -
47 2.6 - 1 147 roll -1.09 9.27 0.194 2383 255.1 2.28 0.046 956 -615.8 -146.6 -82.93 - 2999 -31.7 - - - - - - - - - -
378 begin apogee
390 43.5 12.4 60 510 done -0.28 0.88 0.122 2643 295.5 - - 2202 - - 111.65 0.683 2399 -5.4 0.035 - - - - - - - - -
510 end apogee: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
511 begin climb
515 49.6 - 82 636 roll 1.09 1.35 0.085 3082 325.2 2.42 0.044 3597 576.4 146.6 110.43 0.643 1801 -5.4 0.042 - - - - - - - - -
759 31.4 10.3 125 765 done 1.09 - - 3092 - 2.25 0.027 2207 -617.8 146.6 - - 1800 - - - - - - - - - - -
973 14.2 3.7 162 1106 roll 1.30 0.15 0.059 3166 493.3 2.42 0.042 3610 579.8 313.4 124.75 0.649 1120 -5.5 0.012 - - - - - - - - -
1320 end climb: NO_VERTICAL_VELOCITY
1320 begin surface
SM 2.49 - - - - -8.44 9.07 0.040 24 -346.4 - - 2334 - 540.64 - - 196 - - - - - - - -