HoodCanal 14Jun23 * SG235 * Dive index * Mission links * Dive 3 * Raw log
prev dive * next dive * dive
• Previous call tries 1 • 2.56 of 575.00 AH used of 24V (99.55% remains)
• Surface angle -66.4 deg, depth 1.75 m • Intended pitch -19.3 deg, speed -10.000 cm/s
VBD pumped to 711.30 (beyond SM_CC=710)
• GPS1 time: 1 s
• GPS2 time: 2 s
• Time spent turning 0 s

Statistics * Plot
t(s) depth(m) w(cm/s) num pts t(s) GC phase pitch roll VBD pit rol VBD volts
ctl(cm) t(s) A pos(AD) rate t(s) A pos(AD) rate ctl(cc) t(s) A pos(AD) rate eff r e r e r e pitrollvbd flags
5 end surface: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
5 begin dive
5.88 - - - 89.14 VBD -1.55 - - 216.50 - - - 2728.31 - -146.63 81.61 0.005 2369.03 - - - - - - - - - - 16.10
89.39 3.26 -1.96 16 171.64 -1.55 12.28 0.270 1823.31 130.8 3.45 0.119 1278.62 -420.2 -146.63 57.37 0.005 3960.00 27.7 -2.951 - - - - - - 15.89 15.99 16.10
398.12 23.04 -6.63 76 405.18 -1.27 0.46 0.179 1891.94 149.2 3.38 0.058 2771.94 441.8 -146.63 - - 3962.41 - - - - - - - - 15.96 16.04 -
588.37 34.15 -6.07 114 594.21 done -1.27 - - 1892.19 - 3.54 0.112 1278.88 -421.8 -146.63 - - 3963.03 - - - - - - - - - 16.02 -
822.74 54.85 -9.85 161 829.23 roll -1.18 - - 1892.94 - 3.40 0.059 2770.81 438.8 -146.63 - - 3962.81 - - - - - - - - - 16.06 -
1018.40 71.01 -8.57 181 1024.58 roll -1.18 - - 1892.31 - 3.55 0.115 1279.81 -420.0 -146.63 - - 3963.19 - - - - - - - - - 16.03 -
1253.63 95.12 -10.30 228 1259.74 roll back -1.11 0.26 0.166 1933.75 159.4 3.38 0.062 2768.56 440.5 -146.63 - - 3962.59 - - - - - - - - 16.01 16.07 -
1448.54 110.42 -7.41 248 1454.65 roll -1.19 - - 1933.69 - 3.55 0.119 1280.88 -419.1 -146.63 - - 3962.66 - - - - - - - - - 16.07 -
1681.43 131.61 -8.99 294 1688.06 roll back -1.24 0.29 0.082 1881.00 -181.7 3.38 0.064 2769.12 440.3 -146.63 - - 3963.31 - - - - - - - - 16.10 16.12 -
1877 begin apogee
1878.40 150.11 -9.45 314 1981.54 -0.25 1.76 0.137 2141.94 148.3 0.07 0.247 2770.62 - - 96.80 0.926 3399.88 -5.8 0.154 - - - - - - 16.09 15.81 11.23
1983 end apogee: CONTROL_FINISHED_OK
1983 begin climb
1983.99 151.22 - 324 2103.04 1.55 2.74 0.088 2584.06 161.4 3.08 0.124 4008.94 402.1 146.63 107.56 0.893 2800.09 -5.6 0.154 - - - - - - 15.82 15.60 11.31
2334.12 96.26 18.85 392 2340.34 1.23 0.69 0.202 2492.69 -132.4 2.97 0.066 2725.25 -432.2 146.63 - - 2790.53 - - - - - - - - 15.81 15.90 -
2529.05 71.64 11.92 412 2535.08 done 1.23 - - 2489.56 - 3.11 0.120 4009.12 412.8 146.63 - - 2790.78 - - - - - - - - - 15.94 -
2762.09 43.54 12.04 458 2767.66 done 1.17 - - 2493.12 - 2.94 0.067 2724.88 -436.8 146.63 - - 2790.84 - - - - - - - - - 16.03 -
2952.16 24.96 8.58 496 2984.07 1.33 0.21 0.094 2533.06 190.2 3.12 0.120 4011.50 412.4 177.66 24.01 0.757 2673.38 -4.9 0.026 - - - - - - 16.05 15.97 11.21
3210.42 5.84 3.55 544 3328.71 1.84 0.69 0.066 2659.06 182.6 2.95 0.065 2722.81 -436.8 318.47 106.03 0.765 2099.00 -5.4 0.007 - - - - - - 16.00 16.03 11.32
3511.90 2.72 -0.25 603 3590.08 2.80 1.34 0.058 2893.00 174.6 - - 2722.25 - 542.33 73.93 0.760 1683.47 -5.6 0.003 - - - - - - 15.90 - 11.22
3591 end climb: NO_VERTICAL_VELOCITY
3591 begin surface
SM 1.86 - - - - 218.8 - - 497.1 - 16.90 0.066 414.3 24.4 - 0.08 0.163 579.9 7248.8 -8.454 - - 30.00 15.64 15.68 -