== cmdfile.164 ==
== cmdfile.164.1 ==
== pdoscmds.bat.164 ==
resend_dive /d 92 1
resend_dive /l 119
resend_dive /d 154 0
== FLASH.164 ==
Executing commands in pdoscmds.bat starting at Thu Oct 7 01:37:33 2004
Executing 'resend_dive /d 92 1'...
Compressing A0160092.DAT to Y0160092.DAT...
file 'Y0160092.D00' skipped...
file 'Y0160092.D01' opened...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160092.D01
block 4 written...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160092.D01
block 5 written...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160092.D01
block 6 written...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160092.D01
block 7 written...
file 'Y0160092.D01' has 4 KB, closed...
Succeeded in 15.67 secs
Executing 'resend_dive /l 119'...
Compressing A0160119.LOG to Y0160119.LOG...
file 'Y0160119.L00' opened...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160119.L00
block 0 written...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160119.L00
block 1 written...
writing 800 bytes to Y0160119.L00
block 2 written...
partial file 'Y0160119.L00' closed.
Succeeded in 9.78 secs
Executing 'resend_dive /d 154 0'...
Compressing A0160154.DAT to Y0160154.DAT...
file 'Y0160154.D00' opened...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160154.D00
block 0 written...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160154.D00
block 1 written...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160154.D00
block 2 written...
writing 1024 bytes to Y0160154.D00
block 3 written...
file 'Y0160154.D00' has 4 KB, closed...
Succeeded in 15.71 secs
Executing 'ver'...
Version: 64.03
Compiled on: Aug 18 2004 9:43:04
Compiler: Aztec
Pin set: rev A
NVRAM: 86 paramters, 348 bytes
Buffers: static
PPP: not implmented
Active (2Mhz)
PicoDOS version: C82#1536-1.63b
Launched as: MAIN
Heap: 2048+183759 bytes
glmalloc: 452 (271468 max); 299548 free (2).
Sensors: TCM2/80,CT,SBE43,BB2F
Succeeded in 2.39 secs
Finished at Thu Oct 7 01:38:19 2004