

SeaSoar Measurements in the Japan/East Sea
Craig M. Lee - APL, University of Washington
Overview Observational Program Spring 1999 Winter 2000 Results People


photo by Frank Bahr

Under the Office of Naval Research's JES Initiative, the first of two research cruises to the Sea of Japan/East Sea was undertaken from the R/V Roger Revelle between 19 May and 3 June 1999. Currently available results from the Spring 1999 Cruise include:

Cruise Report (PDF format) by the Chief Scientist, Dr. Craig Lee presents preliminary observations from towed profiler (SeaSoar) surveys, hydrographic profiles, and meteorological measurements.
SeaSoar Data Processing Report by Frank Bahr.
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Data Report by Frank Bahr.
• A roster of the Science Party on the Revelle during the Spring 1999 Cruise.
• A picture page showing science at work (and play) by Jerry Dean and Frank Bahr of Woods Hole's SeaSoar Laboratory.

Cruise track and station locations
(NRL reflectance stations, CTD stations, and atmospheric soundings) superimposed on AVHRR SST image from 21 May 1999. Imagery collected with shipboard receiving system. Blue lines on image represent exclusive economic zone boundaries.

Japan/East Sea Spring 1999 Cruise track and station locations

Charts showing SeaSoar survey tracks for
(a) JES2 CROSS-BASIN AND SURVEY 1: zonal cross-basin section and subpolar front survey 1
zonal cross-basin section and subpolar front survey 1

(b) JES SURVEY 2: subpolar front survey 2
subpolar front survey 2

(c) JES2 SURVEY 3 AND CROSS-SHELF: survey of a warm meander current (survey 3) and a section across the Korean shelf.
survey of a warm meander current (survey 3) and a section across the Korean shelf

In surveys 1 and 2, we number the meridional sections 1 to 6 working from left to right. In survey 3, meridional sections are referred to as west and east, and the three zonal sections are referred to as south, central, and north. The green line marks parts of survey 1 that are included in subsequent section plots from survey 3.

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