This disk contains the Athena data collected on KNORR cruise KN172-3 (February 2003, Craig Lee) and post-processed true wind data - Speed (m/s) & direction (degrees true). The Athena data files contain true wind data caluclated with an incorrect sensor mounting offset value of 30 degrees. The true wind values on this disk use a value of -15 degrees, which has been selected by analysis of the Feb. 12 data. The following metadata has been extracted from the Athena data log: IMET Wind (IMET_WND) Format: X, Y, Total, Max, Min, LastVane, LastCompass, C1, C2 Wind X (m/sec), Positive for a stbd to port wind Wind Y (m/sec), Positive for a bow to stern wind Wind Total (m/sec), Averaged over previous minute Wind Max (m/sec, 15 sec interval), Wind Min (m/sec, 15 sec interval), Last Vane Reading (deg), Last Compass Reading (deg), Counter1 ("0"), Counter2 ("4") Note - Wind direction is not provided as a single quantity. Direction values are ship relative. The wind sensor does not have a compass installed (value should always be 0.0). Calibration - Jan 2003 True wind direction (Wnd_Dir) Format: Wnd_dir (degrees) Wind direction obtained from the IMET wind sensor and corrected for ship heading (gyro) plus ship course and speed (GPS SOG & COG). True wind speed (Wnd_Spd) Format: Wnd_spd (meters/sec) Wind speed obtained from the IMET wind sensor and corrected for ship heading (gyro) plus ship course and speed (GPS SOG & COG). True wind speed & direction (TWind) Format: Speed, Direction (meters/sec, degrees) Wind direction is given in meteorological terms; a 0 degree wind comes from the north. Ship speed and direction of travel are obtaned from GPS data (GGA SOG & COG). Sensor mounting orientation is corrected using the direction the ship is pointing obtained from the gyro (the ship is not necessarily moving in the direction its pointing).